I've set goals this year around growing as a food business founder. Part of that involves building my personal brand.
What better way to do this than to undertake this challenge along with many of the dynamic women of Female Founders Rise. I signed up to do a 30-day personal brand challenge and am excited about the journey.
Female founders are more than our products and services. We have ideas, opinions, views, and expertise and should be communicating those as a way to stimulate conversation, debate, and to share what we love!
I'm passionate about food, especially cuisines that are lesser known. And of course, I'm passionate about and totally obsessed with all sorts of preserves, which are found in many different food cultures.
So here's one observation. When I was doing research about what kinds of preserves I wanted to make, I really wanted to feature pickles from Africa. You find pickles in North Africa (Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, etc.), but not so much in sub-Saharan Africa. Drying foods is common, but you don't really see produce preserved with vinegar!